Ocean Leadership Series 10.0 > Navigating Our Waters: The Blue Economy and Its Prospects for Africa’s Development

Ocean Leadership Series 10.0

TITLE: Navigating Our Waters: The Blue Economy and Its Prospects for Africa’s Development

Training Overview

This session explored the concept of the blue economy, its potential benefits for Africa’s development, and the challenges and opportunities it presents. The training covered key topics such as the definition of the blue economy, its components and elements, the importance of the blue economy for Africa, and the sectors within the blue economy in Africa. The session also discussed the challenges facing Africa’s blue economy and highlighted case studies from countries like Cabo Verde and Ghana.


Moderator: Dada Oluwakemisola


Speaker Name: Ama K. Agyei Frimpong


Brief Bio: Ama K. Agyei Frimpong is a second-year Master of Philosophy student at the University of Cape Town Ghana, specializing in blue economy, governance, and social resilience. With a background in biochemistry, she is pursuing research exploring bioactive compounds in aquatic resources. She is also passionate about philanthropy and youth development.


Unique Insights and Highlights:

  • The training provided a comprehensive overview of the blue economy, its origins, and its potential benefits for Africa.
  • Participants gained a deeper understanding of the various sectors within the blue economy and the opportunities they present.
  • The discussion on the challenges facing Africa’s blue economy and the potential solutions offered valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders.
  • The case studies from Cabo Verde and Ghana provided practical examples of how the blue economy can be successfully implemented in African countries.