Ocean Leadership Series 8.0 > The Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries

Ocean Leadership Series 8.0

Title: The Impact of Climate Change on Fisheries


Training Overview

This webinar provided a comprehensive overview of the significant impacts of climate change on global fisheries. The session covered the effects on fish production, aquaculture, and the livelihoods of fishermen. The speaker, Mary Adebeto, a renowned expert in fisheries science, offered valuable insights and case studies to illustrate the challenges faced by the industry.

Training Moderator: Solomon Adelewo

Speaker’s Name: Mary Adebeto

Brief Bio: Mary Adebeto is a graduate of Fisheries Science from the University of Cape Coast, Ghana. She has a strong background in aquaculture and fisheries management, with a particular focus on ecotoxicology and the impact of anthropogenic activities on aquatic ecosystems. Mary is a passionate advocate for sustainable fisheries and a dedicated educator.

Unique Insights and Highlights: 

  • Rising ocean temperatures, changes in ocean currents, and ocean acidification are significantly affecting fish populations and distribution.
  • Climate change-induced changes in water conditions and extreme weather events are posing threats to aquaculture operations.
  • Reduced fish catches, increased costs, and disruptions in fishing communities are among the consequences of climate change for fishermen.
  • The webinar highlighted the importance of adopting sustainable practices, investing in technology, and promoting resilience in the face of climate change.
  • Participants were encouraged to engage in conservation efforts, support sustainable fisheries, and advocate for climate action.